7/14/24 The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence of Belief | Francis Collins at Caltech Previous Why "Evidence" Will Never Be Enough. Next John Lennox: Scientific Discovery REVEALS God's Existence & REFUTES Atheism | Eric Metaxas on TBN You Might Also Like The Dead Sea Scrolls: Treasure of the Caves Why "Evidence" Will Never Be Enough. Martin Luther – Man of the Millennium Philosopher DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy) John Lennox: Scientific Discovery REVEALS God's Existence & REFUTES Atheism | Eric Metaxas on TBN
7/14/24 The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence of Belief | Francis Collins at Caltech Previous Why "Evidence" Will Never Be Enough. Next John Lennox: Scientific Discovery REVEALS God's Existence & REFUTES Atheism | Eric Metaxas on TBN You Might Also Like The Dead Sea Scrolls: Treasure of the Caves Why "Evidence" Will Never Be Enough. Martin Luther – Man of the Millennium Philosopher DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy) John Lennox: Scientific Discovery REVEALS God's Existence & REFUTES Atheism | Eric Metaxas on TBN